Gain a Reputation of Value

Gain a Reputation of Value

The Importance of Value  Employment is about an exchange of value. You bring a skill set to an employer and they pay you for it. Employers want value, but your boss may define what is valuable differently than you. Because perceptions vary, understanding and...
Are You Limiting Your Career Growth?

Are You Limiting Your Career Growth?

Limiting Choices Time and time again I see people make choices that stunt their career. It usually sounds something like: “I don’t want to learn new skills, even though my industry is changing.” “I’m attracted to jobs that are convenient or immediate but don’t offer...
Smart Follow-up for Job Seekers

Smart Follow-up for Job Seekers

Follow-up is one of the biggest errors job seekers make during the hiring process. Yet following up can be so crucial to your search and can make or break your chances. Here are some tips on how to effectively follow-up. Align With the Employer During the hiring...
So You Just Got Laid Off

So You Just Got Laid Off

You are not alone.  With this economy, many people have unexpectedly found themselves laid off.  It’s often a shock, but with a little forethought you can make it work for you.  Take a lesson from Tom. Scenario: Tom was a major account representative for a...