by magan | Nov 7, 2018 | Blog
Limiting Choices Time and time again I see people make choices that stunt their career. It usually sounds something like: “I don’t want to learn new skills, even though my industry is changing.” “I’m attracted to jobs that are convenient or immediate but don’t offer...
by magan | Oct 17, 2018 | Blog
You choose what you do for a living. We make that choice for a variety of reasons—some good and some not so good. In the end, you are responsible for managing your career. The only person who can create a positive or negative career path is you. That’s right, you are...
by waysolutions | Sep 13, 2012 | Blog, Featured
On finding your calling, and your career, and why they aren’t the same thing That was the big question. What is my calling? It tortured me for years and not a week goes by that someone’s not in my office asking themself the same thing. They come from all walks...